Eye Diseases
Eye Diseases
eye diseases
The eye is an important part of the body as it provides a person with the vision of the outside world and helps to integrate it into society and interact with it, and diseases related to the eyes have long formed a special interest in the field of medicine not only for the patient but also for the doctors, On all this, there has been a great revolution in the field of ophthalmology in the recent period in Turkey.
In our hospital all eye diseases are treated and vision correction and we have a specialized department in performing different eye operations as well, all under the supervision of the best consultants in Turkey, and our medical staff seeks to be the best in achieving the optimal treatment for the patient at the lowest possible costs, as the eye is considered a very sensitive part of the body
Examples of eye operations that can be performed in Turkey include Femto LASIK and Femto smile, white and blue cataracts, keratoconus, strabismus, eyelid blockage, lacrimal canal blockage, corneal eye transplant, retinal diseases, corneal ring implants, eye tattoos and many other surgeries .